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Zoom Book Group - Treasury of Dharma by Geshe Rabten

The Blue Mountain Dharma Book Group returns with a weekly discussion via Zoom of Geshe Rabten’s Treasury of Dharma.

Treasury of Dharma is a clear explanation of the full path of Buddhism from Beginning the Path  to Enlightenment. This text contains easy-to-follow meditative practices essential to the path.

Each week Padma Ball and Barbara Heritage will facilitate an online discussion of the reading of the week and the Buddhist practices therein. Blue Mountain Dharma is a one room schoolhouse for Tibetan Buddhism. We have long time practitioners who are happy to answer your questions and explain concepts. For our newcomers, you are so important to our study of Buddhism because your questions open the door to our shared wakefulness and understanding.

You can order Treasury of Dharma here. There are other copies available at Abe’s Books. Fortunately it is also available on Kindle in case some copies take awhile to arrive.

You can sign up for the Book Group Mailing List to receive news and updates on our meetings.

Zoom Link here:

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March 28

Zoom Meditation with Venerable Gephel

April 3

Geshe Sonam on Buddhist Psychology