Blue Mountain Dharma Educational Film Series:
Join us Tuesday, February 18th.
Tukdam: Between Worlds
Winner of:
Galway Film Fleadh | Official Selection
International Buddhist Film Festival | Official Selection
Helsinki International Film Festival | Official Selection
Mill Valley Film Festival | Official Selection
Dharamshala International Film Festival | Official Selection
DocPoint Tallinn | Official Selection
From Journeyman Pictures:
A journey through life and death
This feature documentary explores a phenomenon that blurs life and death to an unprecedented degree. In what Tibetan Buddhists call ‘tukdam’, advanced meditators die in a consciously controlled manner. Though dead according to our biomedical standards, they often stay sitting upright in meditation. Remarkably, their bodies remain fresh and lifelike, without signs of decay for days, sometimes weeks after clinical death. Following ground-breaking scientific research into tukdam and taking us into intimate death stories of Tibetan meditators, the film juxtaposes scientific and Tibetan perspectives as it tries to unravel the mystery of ‘tukdam’.
Blue Mountain Dharma continues its educational film series, screening at 7:00 p.m. on the evening of Tuesday, February 18th. (The doors open at 6:30 p.m.) The event is free, and it will be held at The Gryphon above Mudhouse on the Downtown Mall at 213 West Main St in Charlottesville. All with an interest in Tibetan culture and Buddhism are welcome to attend. The film will be followed by a lively seminar-style discussion. There will be popcorn.
The Blue Mountain Dharma Film Series (BMD Film Series) is a monthly educational seminar on Tibetan Buddhism. Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month to view and discuss films illustrating Tibetan Buddhist practice, the seminar features documentaries and biographical films focusing on the lives of notable Tibetan lineage